Thesis Collection
Factory-made silver jewelry collection design to fit client's brand identity.
Thesis Project
Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
Client: Aarikka Oy
Abstract: Collection design is an important part of fashion design work. In this these project, a silver jewelry collection was designed and created for the Finnish design brand Aarikka. The project was completed from an industrial and artistic design viewpoint. The design process is based on the Aarikka brand, its target customer groups, and trend analysis. The collection is targeted for the A/W 22/23 season. The collection is focused for the younger customer group.
The thesis project was completed following The Collection Design Cycle process. The process included getting acquainted with the topic, brand, and research provided from the client, as well as finding an appropriate theme, designing the pieces, prototyping, and arranging a complete collection. At the start of the process, a trend study was completed for the A/W 22/23 season, which was used as a tool to assist in the designing phase. The collection design process was reviewed with the help of the Design Squiggle. Digital drawing and drafting as a tool in collection design was tested alongside the design process.
At the end of the process, a silver jewelry collection that can be manufactured in series was created. The collection included four pieces of jewelry: a ring, necklace, bracelet, and a pair of earrings. The goals set for the collection were for the most part reached. The created collection can be manufactured in series and is visually inline with the brand. Improvements could be made by reducing the weight of the pieces. Appeal to the target customer group could be improved on some pieces. Improvements in the collection design process could be made by assessing the need for a second round of prototyping as a next step.
Design methods: Interview, the collection design cycle, the design squiggle, lifestyleboard, moodboard, trend research, empathy mapping, bench marking.
Read my whole thesis here. CLICK!
Collection Sales Book